Anti-snoring mouthpiece alleviates mild sleep apnoea

An anti-snoring mouthpiece fitted by your dentist can often bring great relief to people who suffer from mild sleep apnoea. The mouthpiece opens up the airway during sleep and supports your circulation.  It is also an effective way to manage snoring. At PlusTerveys, we can provide you with a durable and high-quality bespoke anti-snoring mouthpiece that is designed to help you sleep better and live healthier.

Severe sleep apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and other types of apnoea can be managed with a nasal continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP machine. The machine comes with a mask that fits over your nose or your whole face or with a nasal pillow that fits against your nostrils. The pressure helps to stop your airway from collapsing or narrowing. This treatment is not a cure but will significantly improve your sleep quality and your quality of life.

Sleep apnoea associated with impaired functional capacity

Apnoeic episodes impair your sleep quality and cause your oxygen levels to drop. They can lead to chronic tiredness, morning headaches and many other symptoms that can significantly reduce your quality of life. These direct effects are a risk in themselves. In fact, obstructive sleep apnoea can lead to daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating and even depression. The constant sense of tiredness can also lead to traffic accidents or near-misses and mistakes or low productivity at work. Prolonged sleep apnoea is associated with an increased risk of serious disease, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnoea. It is caused by the narrowing of your airway when the muscles in your nose, mouth, tongue and throat relax while you sleep.

Lifestyle changes to manage sleep apnoea and snoring

You can manage your sleep apnoea by changing your own lifestyle.

  • For overweight patients, managing your weight is important.
  • Weight loss can be enough to resolve mild sleep apnoea and avoiding lying on your back may also prove beneficial.
  • Other treatment methods for sleep apnoea can also help you manage your weight.
  • Alcohol and smoking constrict the airway and can make your sleep apnoea worse.  
  • You should also make sure that you have treated any allergies, congestion and upper airway infections.