Treatments involving oral surgery

The most challenging tooth extractions need to be carried out surgically. Wisdom tooth removal is the most common dental procedure involving surgery. Dental implants, or artificial roots, are also always fitted by a surgeon. Dentists, oral surgeons and dental technicians usually work together to coordinate implants. Oral surgeons also treat medical conditions affecting the mucosal membranes, perform biopsies and remove cysts resulting from infection inside the mouth.

Oral surgery at PlusTerveys

Whenever necessary, your dentist can refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for treatment. The surgeon will conduct a thorough assessment of your mouth and teeth and draw up a treatment plan based on their own and the dentist’s clinical findings. The surgeon will then carry out the procedure.

If you have any health concerns that you believe may need surgical intervention, please contact your dentist. You can book an appointment at your local PlusTerveys dental clinic. Our staff will then examine you and confirm what treatment is required.