Dental hygiene at PlusTerveys

The dental hygiene services we offer vary between our dental clinics. If you are looking for a particular service, get in touch with your local PlusTerveys clinic or visit their website to find out what’s available in your local area. At PlusTerveys, we offer the following dental hygiene services:

Scale and polish

  • A scale and polish can be done by your dentist or hygienist. It will leave your teeth looking tidier and feeling smoother. The purpose of the scale and polish is to remove tartar, plaque and discolouration.

Air polishing

  • Air polishing uses bicarbonate of soda to treat discoloured teeth and give you a brighter smile. It is a gentle but effective method to eliminate superficial discolouration.

Tartar removal

  • Tartar, also known as calculus, is a form of hardened dental plaque that can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Tartar is a problem because it creates the ideal setting for bacteria to thrive. These bacteria cause gingivitis or gum disease, which can ultimately lead to to periodontitis.

PerioSafe testing

  • PerioSafe is a saliva-based enzyme test for finding out important information about your gums and teeth. The test takes just 10 minutes. It will reveal if you suffer from gingivitis or periodontitis even if you are not suffering from any symptoms.

Tooth whitening

  • Tooth whitening is the ideal way to treat dark and discoloured teeth for a naturally white finish. We offer a range of treatments to suit your individual needs.

Dental jewellery

  • Tooth jewellery is attached directly to your tooth and offers a great way to update and brighten up your look. Our dental hygienists will fix the jewellery on your tooth without damaging the tooth itself. The procedure is completely pain free.