Long-term consequences

Gum disease is a common medical condition that can often go unnoticed. Symptoms include inflammation, swelling and bleeding. It is not a severe illness in itself but, if left untreated, can lead to more significant health issues, including periodontitis, which can follow when gum disease is left to spread deeper into the tissue. In the worst case scenario, periodontitis can lead you to lose your teeth. That is why it is important that it is spotted early. Treated promptly, these issues can be avoided.

How quickly can gum disease be treated?

You can treat gum disease at home by carefully cleaning your teeth,  between your teeth and by caring for your gum line using a soft toothbrush, dental floss and other equipment. A variety of mouthwashes and gels are also available that can help speed up the healing process. If you continue to suffer from gingivitis after one week of carefully cleaning your teeth, please make an appointment with your dentist so that they can examine your teeth and gums. At this point, the rate of healing can vary greatly and depends largely on how far it has spread into the tissue and whether it has developed into periodontitis. Your dentist will look after your teeth and gums and give you advice on oral care at home.

Treating periodontitis

Periodontitis is treated by cleaning the pockets of bacteria that have formed in your gums. If necessary, this can be done under a local anaesthetic. If the pockets are particularly deep, they can be cleaned surgically. During the operation the gum is lifted away from the teeth to allow plaque and tartar to be removed more effectively. When the cleaning is complete, we replace the gum and add stitches between the teeth to ensure it stays in place. We will also prevent the build-up of new bacteria by smoothing out any sharp or rough tooth edges. This procedures requires 2–4 visits.

Good oral care routine key to treating gum disease

A good daily oral care routine is key to treating and preventing gum disease. Regular dental check-ups also help you to detect any issues early on. When gum disease is picked up early, it is relatively straightforward to treat. The saliva-based PerioSafe test is a quick and convenient way to find out whether you are suffering from gum disease. Check whether the PerioSafe test is available at your local PlusTerveys dental clinic. Find out more about PerioSafe.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, your dentist will assess your treatment needs and draw up an individual plan based on that assessment. Gingivitis is easier to treat than parodontitis. Regular scale and polish treatments are an important part of managing gum disease. This professional cleaning technique is always performed by a dentist or dental hygienist. More advanced cases of parodontitis may require antibiotics or surgery.

The key to keeping gum disease at bay is cleaning regularly and carefully around and between your teeth and along the gum line.