Dental check-ups at PlusTerveys
When you visit us for the first time, we will ask you to fill out a new patient form which covers your general health, any medication you may be on and any allergies you might have. If you visit us regularly, we will still ask you about any changes to your health.
At the check-up, a dentist will review your teeth, gums and mucous membranes. Based on this assessment, they will be able to diagnose any problems or diseases.
If necessary, we will also x-ray your teeth. If it has been a while since your last check-up, we will usually take x-rays of your entire jaw, this is known as a panoramic x-ray. The x-ray will help us identify any cavities lurking under existing fillings, diagnose any non-symptomatic abscesses and issues within the jaw bone. A separate fee will be payable for the x-ray images.
During the check-up, your dentist will also see whether tartar is building up on your teeth. Usually, we will make an appointment with a dental hygienist to have the tartar removed. If the build-up is minor, we can remove it at the check-up. A fee is payable for the tartar removal and is calculated based on the time spent on the procedure.
After the check-up, your dentist may ask you to see the hygienist for a Periosafe check. Periosafe is a quick, saliva-based test that’s designed to identify gum disease, which, if left untreated, can lead to periodontitis.
Your treatment plan – the cornerstone of good dental care
During the dental check-up, we will make an appointment for you to have a discussion with the dentist. This appointment is a chance for you to ask any questions you may have and to talk about your wishes and expectations.
Your dentist will let you know if any further treatments are needed and discuss the costs. Together, you will draw up a treatment plan. The plan will be based on what work is urgent and what can be left until later. Sometimes another visit will be needed to discuss the plan fully.
Your own bespoke schedule
It is recommended that you have a dental check-up once every 1–3 years, depending on your individual circumstances. Your dentist will tell you when to make your next appointment. Some people will need an annual check-up, while others will need to be seen much less often. The fewer problems you have, the fewer visits you will need.
Your own dentist has the best understanding of your oral health and you can agree a check-up schedule that suits you best. As a PlusTerveys client, you will be sent an invitation to your next check-up when it’s due.
Regular check-ups save money
It is a good idea to have regular dental check-ups, even if your mouth feels healthy. Cavities, gum disease and changes to the mucous membranes can initially remain symptomless. However, at the check-up, your dentist will be able to pick up on anything that might be amiss. When we are able to identify problems early, the treatment will be quicker, more painless and less costly than if you sit on the problem and allow the situation to deteriorate.
Usually good home care and regular check-ups involving a scale and polish will help to keep both dental problems and costs at bay.
However, if you do require treatment, we have have finance for dental treatments available for our patients.
If it’s been a while since your last check-up, get in touch today to book an appointment.